What I'm Doing Right Now

Welcome to 'Now Page', inspired by Derek Sivers. Here, I offer real-time updates on my current activities and projects, providing a glimpse into my present pursuits. Join me as I navigate through creativity and productivity, sharing insights into what I'm working on!


June was a busy month

Every weekend packed with social activities. Bachelors party, priestly ordination, trip to Bohemian Paradise, trip to nature with friends from college and a wedding of my best friend. Now is time to put more of my focus back to the projects and catch up.


edi Closed Alpha Test succeeded (sort of)

We did put our tool for building low-carbon websites into hands of 30 potential customers in order to gather feedback. Francois Burra (francoisburra.com) is a great example of what kind of a value we were able to provide. More updates soon.

Milestone missed with Joex

I failed to deliver on my promise of publishing the app on the App Store in June. I still have some fixes to do as part of the Apple App Review process. Let's see what I can do during the upcoming 2 months time.

Last updated at 08/07/2024 in Poprad, Slovakia.