Speaking & Sharing

I share my insights through writing, public speaking, and open collaboration. Whether through blog posts, talks, or open-source projects, my goal is to spark ideas, drive innovation, and help others build with intention.


Implementácia Carbon Aware UI na webe

Tatry IT community, December 2022

Pomocou live dema som predstavil výstup a víziu najinovatívnejšieho projektu z Carbon Hack 22 s názvom Sustainable UI, pomocou ktorého je možné z UI postavenom na knižnici React spraviť UI, ktoré sa vie prispôsobovať aktuálnym podmienkam v lokálnej elektrickej sieti návštevníka webu.


Sustainable UI

Carbon Hack 22, November 2022

SUI’s first library for building carbon aware web UIs is based on React. The library sui-headless-react is not tied to any UI tool such as MUI or ANT Design because of its headless nature. It’s suited for React developers who want to integrate UI carbon awareness either into an existing app or an app that is being built on the green field.
